If you discern God’s invitation to become a Catholic, and if now is the time to take that step, then we are here to help you. This program is for any adult (18+) who is unbaptized or a baptized Christian of another faith. OCIA is a process in which interested men and women can explore Catholicism, and make a decision to become a Catholic over a period of months. Feel free to contact us any time with any questions. Helping people come into the Catholic Church is a sacred calling and a heavenly joy. We hope to serve you, and bring you into the communion of Christ’s Church. This group is also for teens (in 9th grade and up) that are baptized though have not received the sacrament of First Holy Communion. As well as adults that are baptized but have not received the sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. For more information, please contact our OCIA Coordinator Deacon Luis Trevino.