Between demanding schedules, traveling, and trying to get out the door on time for Mass, it can be challenging to tithe on a regular basis as God calls us to do. Plus, for many families, the parish is one of the last places you still have to use a checkbook or cash.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church is excited to offer online giving for one-time as well as recurring gifts! Simply make a secure donation via electronic check or debit/credit using the form on this page.
Use the form below to easily offer a One-time gift now.
Select a recurring option in the donation form and submit a gift. If you select the recurring option you will receive an email to setup and easily manage your own personal online giving account.
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What is a "One-Time" donation? Selecting the One-time option is really just that: a one-time donation. You will receive an email that the gift was received. However, you will not have the option to create your own donor account.
¿Qué significa "One-Time"?La opción "One-Time" significa que su donación será cobrada solo una vez. No se le ofrecerá oportunidad de crear una cuenta para manejar su donación.
What is "Monthly Recurring" and "Weekly Recurring"?
If you select the Weekly or Monthly Recurring options you will have the option of selecting the first starting date and dollar amount for the donation. Future donations will be automatically processed either weekly or monthly from the first starting date entered. In addition, you will receive an email notification to complete your online donor account. Follow the simple instructions within the email to get started. Once created you will be able to login to your own personal account that you will be able to manage, see all your transactions and make necessary changes.
¿Qué significan "Monthly Recurring" y "Weekly Recurring"? La opcion "Monthly Recurring" significa que su donación será cobrada a su tarjeta cada mes. "Weekly Recurring" significa que su donación será cobrada a su tarjeta cada semana.
Con estas opciones, Ud. también recibirá un correo electrónico con informes para crear su cuenta personal donde podrá manejar su cuenta y ver todas sus donaciones.
Is it safe and secure?
Online gifts meet the same security standards as online banking. Just be sure to use a secure internet connection rather than a public WiFI connection.
¿Es seguro y protegida mi donación?
Los regalos en línea cumplen con los mismos estándares de seguridad que los de bancos en línea. Solo asegúrese de utilizar una conexión a Internet segura en lugar de una conexión WiFI pública.
You can request to get an email that will give you the necessary instructions. Complete request form.
¿Y si olvido la información de mi cuenta?
Puede pedir un correo electrónico para recuperar sus datos. Mande un mensaje a
What if I forgot my donor account password?
If you forgot your Online Giving Account password use the "change or forgot password" link to get a new password request email Change or forgot password.
¿Y si olvido mi contraseña?
Haga clic en "reset password" y siga las instrucciones.
What if I want to make changes to my donations?
If you want to make changes to your recurring donations click on the link View my online donation account.
¿Cómo puedo hacer cambios a mis donaciones?
Puede realizar cambios en sus donaciones iniciando sesión en su cuenta