- Wash your hands.
- Face coverings are required on our campus and during Mass.
- The cry rooms and small Chapel are closed.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used before receiving Holy Communion. If you are unable to find some we will have some availible.
- Do Not bring items that contain bleach into the sanctuary as this will damage the pews.
- Masks should be worn as soon as you exit your vehicles
- Our Ushers will seat you.
- Every other pew will be closed and marked by Blue/White tape.
- You may be sharing a pew with another household, but social distance is required between the households (6ft).
- The center sections will be seated first.
- There will be no seating in the choir area, narthex, or cry rooms.
- The holy water fonts remain empty.
- Overflow seating will be availible in the parish hall.
- Masses will be conducted as you have seen on the Live Stream with reduced volunteer lay ministers. There will be no altar servers or lay sacristans.
- Communion will be distributed by clergy..
- Parish staff will serve as ushers until further notice.
- Please keep your face mask on for the duration of Mass.
- There is to be no physical contact between households at the the Sign of Peace or hand holding during the Lord’s Prayer.
- Baskets will not be passed during the offertory. You will be able to place your weekly gift in a basket as you exit the church, but we strongly encourage online giving.
- The precious blood will not be offered to the congregation.
- Use of personal hand sanitizer before communion is strongly encouraged.
- Ushers will assist in directing families.
- Masks should be worn in the communion line. After the priest offers you communion please step to the side, remove your mask, consume the Eucharist, and the re-mask as you head back to your pew.
- After the final blessing, parishioners must remain in their pew.
- Pews will be dismissed in an orderly fashion starting in the rear of the church and then moving forward.
- You should exit your pew when prompted.
- You can drop your weekly offertory as you depart.
- Please do not congregate outside but head directly to your vehicle to allow the next Mass to start on time.
- We will continue to implement cleanliness and sanitization practices, including cleaning pews in between every Mass.
- Disinfecting bathrooms, door handles, and other frequently touched surfaces occur throughout the day.
You are reminded to follow CDC recommendations regarding your own health. If you fall into an “at risk” category, please stay home and join us by Live Stream.